White Plains, MD– Charles County Chamber of Commerce, held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the grand opening of the new Your Nu Image in Charles County, located at 4475 Regency Place, Suite 301A White Plains, MD 20695.
Cathy Russell the member services manager at the Charles County Chamber of Commerce, President, Board of County Commissioners, Reuben B. Collins, Commissioner Thomasina Coates, and Lakeysha Moore the her team at Your Nu Image were in attendance.
Today’s event celebrates the official grand opening of Your Nu Image to Charles County with focus on helping women in Charles County and surrounding areas maintain a positive self-image. As a new established business and chamber member in Charles County, Your Nu Image officially open for business and offers residents of Charles County and surrounding areas the opportunity to explore the products and services customized to meet each client’s specific needs. Some of the services include, Cranial Prosthesis, Medical Wigs, Hair Growth Systems and Makeup Artistry.
At the celebration, guests toured the new office, observed personal and holistic beauty products, the cozy boutique as well as the customer service that creates the ultimate care experience.
Your Nu Image is committed to excellence and creates a warm and private setting for women to feel at ease. Moore is dedicated to changing how women experience hair loss and created her boutique especially for women to create their new image. Visit there website for more information: https://www.yournuimage.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yournuimage_/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yournuimage
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/YourNuImage1x
- Business Profile: https://business.waldorflive.com/listing/your-nu-image