waldorf Live - Light rail to Southern Maryland

Light rail to Southern Maryland! Is it finally Happening?

Local, state and federal lawmakers have there eyes focused on Southern Maryland with millions to get the future Southern Maryland Rapid Transit Project on track and moving forward. A transit network that stretches from Elkton to Frederick and from Waldorf to Towson.

Southern Maryland Light Rail:

From the Branch Avenue Metro station to Waldorf and White Plains in Charles County. YES!!!

Southern MD lIght rail Map
Source: ransitformaryland.org

What does this mean for southern Marylanders?

  • Improves traffic safety and enhances quality of life for residents, commuters, and workers.
  • Expands the regional transit network by creating a robust link into Southern Maryland.
  • Reduces future traffic congestion in the most congested arterial highway in the State and benefits air quality.
  • Provides a sustainable transportation alternative in an auto-dependent corridor.
  • Implements local and regional multi-modal transportation plans.
  • Links planned and developing Transit Oriented Developments through context sensitive stations along the corridor.
  • Increases economic competitiveness in the corridor.
  • Provides timely transportation choices to underserved and transit dependent communities.
  • Future Ready for Automated Vehicle(AV) or other advanced technologies.
  • Increases travel capacity in a corridor with limited highway expansion options.

Source (WTOP/John Domen): https://wtop.com/charles-county/2022/05/light-rail-to-southern-maryland-that-choo-choo-train-will-be-rolling-soon

Source: https://www.transitformaryland.org/

Source: https://www.mdot.maryland.gov/OPCP/smrt_5_14_20.pdf